Renowned for his knack for reviving heritage French fashion houses, India-born, Paris-based Ramesh Nair cut his couture teeth working for industry icons.


Marché aux Puces Porte de Vanves

Flea market
4 Av. Georges Lafenestre, 75014 Paris, France
Marché aux Puces Porte de Vanves

"I love shopping. I keep strange places in my list to visit. One of my favorite spots for shopping, where I go every weekend, is the flea market. Every Saturday and Sunday you have the bestmarchés aux puces, which are the vintage markets of Paris. All around me is stuff that I pick up from vintage markets."

Ramesh NAIR

Castel Béranger

Apartment building
14 Rue Jean de la Fontaine, 75016 Paris, France
Castel Béranger

"There’s this little neighborhood in the 16th and this building which was built by Hector Guimard, called Castel Béranger. It’s one of the most amazing buildings of Art Nouveau architecture."

Ramesh NAIR

Seoul Mama

Korean restaurant
245 bis Rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris, France
Seoul Mama

"Here’s Seoul Mama, which is a Korean place in the fifth. It’s really cool, fantastic stuff."

Ramesh NAIR

L’Ecume des Pages

Book Shop
174 Bd Saint-Germain, 75006 Paris, France
L’Ecume des Pages

"I love bookshops, apart from what I find at the flea markets. There’s L’Ecume des Pages and one of the reasons I like it is because it’s open late at night."

Ramesh NAIR

The Broken Arm

Clothing store
12 Rue Perrée, 75003 Paris, France
The Broken Arm

"For fashion, The Broken Arm in the Marais. A very cool place to check out high-end fashion."

Ramesh NAIR


Op Shop
158 Bd Diderot, 75012 Paris, France

"Emmaüs is an association. If you have stuff that you want to give away, you can call them and they’ll come and collect it. But there are certain Emmaüs where you can find the most amazing stuff. Everything from books to vinyls to music to art to vintage clothes, Emmaüs is the place."

Ramesh NAIR

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